
The Friendly Bunch Amateur Radio Group exist from generous donations from private businesses, private citizens and its members. Donations help support our weekly give-away during Kids night and our Annual Get Together at Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina. Donations also help support the website and manage our Facebook group.

If you would like to make a donation of funds to help support The Friendly Bunch in their mission, please use the Donate button provided below, the QR Code or the Link. If you would like to make your donation anonymous or if you would like to donate cash or prizes for our special events and raffles, please email us at

Please feel free to use the QR Code or this URL…

We would like to thank the following individuals for their generous contributions.

Bill Baxter, N8XRC
Bobby Washburn, KB4ABJ
Charles Blades, KT9D
Gary Maiden, N4KZS
Larry Lund, WB0TYZ
Larry Thompson, W3LDT
Mark Payne, WA4E
Martin Knecht III, N3TBF
Randle Flowers, KN4OPZ